Located in Virginia
Price - $28,000



16.3h Hands

Utah 7yr. 16.3h Warmblood g. - Terrific low level packer! Competing successfully at Novice, amateur friendly, good mover & jumper!

Utah is a very handsome, fun, good jumping low level packer. He has an awesome temperament and could certainly go in different directions. He's a nice mover and could do dressage, show in the hunters or jumpers as well. He definitely has the temperament to hunt or anything you might choose. He's very straightforward, likes to jump and is nicely educated on the flat. This is a super nice horse that can go in many directions and just have a lot of fun with. He's great cross country, never gets strong and is always willing and brave. He trail rides alone or in company, is not spooky and always rider friendly. Lovely barn and ground manners with no vices. He's ready for his new best friend!

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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