Located in Virginia
Price - $35,000



17.1h Hands

Perry 4yr 17.1h Irish Sport Horse g. - Awesome gentle giant, laid back and rider friendly, nice mover and jumper, fox hunter & all around prospect

Perry is a super amateur friendly, kind, big guy that always wants to please. He s like the big, goofy class clown that wants to have a good time. He s a mellow guy that does everything right, he just wants to keep it all slow and easy. He schools cross country like a champ, he s brave and honest he just like to take his time. He trail rides great both alone or in company is great in a group and with his attitude and breeding he should make a fantastic fox hunter. He can easily be a jack of all trades and has his life in front of him! He has excellent barn and ground manners with no vices and ready for his new partner.

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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