Located in Virginia
Price - $25,000



17h. Hands

Hennessy 10yr. 17h. Canadian Sport Horse - Made, well mannered, lovely fox hunter, hunted 5 seasons in No.Va. Currently hunting the

Hennessy is currently hunting in Northern Virginia and goes in all fields. He is cool, calm, pleasant and willing. He loves to hunt, goes in a snaffle, never to strong, great with the hounds and the chaos! He is excellent on the trails both alone or in company. He has no spook or attitude and is 100% rider and amateur friendly. He's a nice mover with comfortable gaits and a rocking horse canter. He has an awesome, friendly disposition with excellent barn and ground manners. He is ready to give his new partner a great season of hunting. He has hunted mostly in the second field as that's what his owner preferred. He's stepped up to first field this fall. He has plenty of step and keeps up no problem.

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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