Lady Gunner
Located in Virginia
Price - $30,000



15.1h Hands

Lady Gunner 6yr. 15.1h Reg. APHA m. - Absolutely beautiful, kind and sweet, well bred and well educated!

Lady is a very special, super attractive, amateur friendly, fun all around girl. She is a granddaughter of all time money earner Colonel's Smoking Gun. She is living up to her famous breeding! She goes great both English and western, very responsive without being overly sensitive. She has worked cattle and done ranch work as well as being nicely educated in the ring. Her flat work is quite good and she would excel in dressage as well. She trail rides both alone or in company. She's been hound walking and is great around the hounds and the chaos. She is a true, fun, all around family horse that can go in multiple directions. She has excellent barn and ground manners, loads, clips, ties and is good for the vet and farrier. She's ready to make her new partner very happy!

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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