Frodo Baggins
Located in Virginia
Price - $30,000



16h Hands

Frodo 7yr 16h. Registered Gypsy Vanner g. - BORN BOMBPROOF! Does it all, fantastic 2nd field fox hunter, shown in dressage, shown both in English & western classes. Low hunters and trail classes, taught lessons and much more!

Frodo is an absolute fun, safe, bombproof jack of all trades. He's great in the hunt field in the 2nd and 3rd fields. He'll take care of his partner and wants to please. He's shown in dressage, low hunters, trail classes and several different western classes. He can work cattle and has a great neck rein.He moves off your leg, has a snaffle mouth and is beginner,kid and husband safe! A true confidence builder. He trail rides both alone and in company, safe for all levels of riders, has very comfortable gaits and is truly very well educated on the flat. He is the absolute safest, fun, pleasant horse you could ever ask for. He loads, clips, ties, has perfect barn and ground manners and is ready for his new partner and best friend!

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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