Located in Virginia
Price - $25,000



16 h Hands

Sollozzo 8yr 16 h Imported Irish TB. g. - A true athlete, scopey, brave and loves to jump! Good flatwork, currently eventing successfully at Training Level!

Ozzy is the true old time Irish TB. with fantastic bone, a very sturdy body and a love for jumping. He was trained as a Steeplechase horse in Ireland so he s jumped the massive 5 rail fences at full speed. He is truly a cross country machine with no fear and is very capable of becoming a 2* horse. He has competed in 4 recognized events, 1 at BN and 3 at Novice. He is currently competing at Training level and is ready to put more speed in action! Ozzy is a whip or spur ride for dressage, but he s the real deal on the cross country course. He loves to run and jump and he most certainly has the speed and ability to keep moving up. Ozzy has a sweet personality, loves his people, and is great for the farrier, vet, bathing, clipping and trailering. He comes with the added bonus of being a very easy keeper with excellent barn and ground manners. He s ready for his new partner to start moving up and having fun!

- Contact Information -

Diane Crump
P.O. Box 297
Linden, Virginia 22642
(540) 635-7483

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